One query language* to rule them all
*okay, more than just a query language, but KISS
GitHub Docs

Write once, run against anything:

-last :day: status_code=500
| reduce -every :1m: count()
| view table

Find all the log lines with status_code 500 in the last day and return the per-hour counts - either from splunk, a file, or elastic.

Mixed historical / live moving averages are just one line away:

-from :1 hour ago: -to :end: name = 'cpu'
| reduce -over :5m: -every :30s: avg('value') by host
| view timechart

Plot a 5 minute moving average CPU usage, grouped by host, starting one hour ago and updating every 30 seconds.

Join data from disparate sources:

    read elastic -last :1 day: source="access_log"
    | reduce count() by user_id;

    read postgres -table "users";
| join user_id
| reduce count=sum(count) by company
| sort count -desc
| head 10
| view barchart

Count the access logs for the past day by user_id, join with the static users database to map each user's id to the corresponding company name, then add up the counts by company and display the top 10 in a barchart.

Anatomy of a Juttle
The supporting cast

Juttle Engine

Juttle Engine brings together Juttle, Juttle Service, adapters, Juttle Viewer, Juttle Viz, and Juttle Client Library.

Run juttles stored on your filesystem and see the results right in your browser.


Adapters are juttle's gateway to the world of data stores and services. There are already a bunch to get you started.

Don't see an adapter you need? Write one yourself or file an issue to request a new one.

Juttle Service

Juttle Service exposes a REST API to run juttles. Hit it directly, or use Juttle Client Library to make streaming juttles and charts a breeze.

POST /api/v0/jobs HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:2000
Content-Type: application/json

  "bundle": {
    "program": "emit -limit 2 | put v = count() | view table"
  "wait": true
  "output": {
    "view0": {
      "options": {
        "_jut_time_bounds": []
      "type": "table",
      "data": [
          "type": "points",
              "time": "$date$2016-03-09T18:31:10.047Z",
              "v": 1
              "time": "$date$2016-03-09T18:31:11.047Z",
              "v": 2
  "errors": [],

Embedded Juttle

Embedded juttle lets you run juttle queries against in-memory data instead of data stores, right in the browser.

const points = [
        time: new Date(1000),
        v: 1
        time: new Date(2000),
        v: 2

let juttle = new EmbeddedJuttle('put v2 = v | view table');

    wait: true,
    points: points
}).then((result) => {
    console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 2));
.catch((err) => {
    console.log("got an error trying to do runBatch: " + err);
  "output": {
    "view0": {
      "type": "table",
      "options": {},
      "data": [
          "type": "point",
          "point": {
            "time": "1970-01-01T00:00:01.000Z",
            "v": 1,
            "v2": 1
          "type": "point",
          "point": {
            "time": "1970-01-01T00:00:02.000Z",
            "v": 2,
            "v2": 2
  "warnings": [],
  "errors": []