
Juttle Number module provides constants for numeric operations, and functions for number/string conversion. Refer to the Math module for other mathematical constants and functions.

Number constants

Juttle supports these Number constants as well as Math constants. They can be referenced without an import directive in a Juttle program, but are more commonly found in the output of certain mathematical operations than used explicitly.

Constant Description
Number.MAX_VALUE Largest positive numeric value, approximately 1.7976931348623157e+308
Larger values are converted to Infinity
Number.MIN_VALUE Smallest positive numeric value (closest to zero), approximately 5e-324
Smaller values are converted to 0
Note that the most negative number is -Number.MAX_VALUE
Number.NaN Not-A-Number value, returned from illegal mathematical operations; always compares unequal to any other value including NaN
The floating point literal NaNcan be used for shorter notation.
Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY -Infinityvalue which is less than -Number.MAX_VALUE
The floating point literal -Infinitycan be used for shorter notation.
Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY Infinityvalue which is greater than Number.MAX_VALUE
The floating point literal Infinitiycan be used for shorter notation.


const pos_inf = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
| put div_by_zero = 1 / 0, inf = pos_inf
| filter div_by_zero = pos_inf
| filter inf > Number.MAX_VALUE
| put nan = inf / inf


Convert a value of type String to type Number.


Example: Parse out HTTP status code from apache access log line, and convert to a number for mathematical comparison

emit -limit 1
| put message = ' - frank [10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700] "GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0" 404 347'
| put http_status = Number.fromString(String.split(message, ' ')[8]) 
| filter http_status > 200


Convert a value of type Number to type String.


Example: print out numeric values

information_source Note that multiple ways of printing numbers as part of a string are available. This example shows both Number.toString() conversion, and string interpolation without explicit conversion.

emit -from :0: -limit 10
| put value = count(), even = value%2
| reduce evens = count(even)
| put msg1 = "Count of even values: " + Number.toString(evens),
      msg2 = "There are ${evens} even values"