
Render data as a pie or donut chart.

view piechart -o {
   categoryField: 'fieldname',
   id: 'string',
   title: 'string',
   valueField: 'fieldname',
   radiusInner: n,
   sliceLabels: {
     nameField: fieldname',
     valueField: 'fieldname',
     valueFormat: 'd3FormatString'


view piechart -categoryField 'fieldname' -id 'string' -title 'string' -valueField 'fieldname' -messageField 'fieldname' -sliceLabels.nameField 'auto'|'fieldname' -sliceLabels.valueField 'auto'|'fieldname' -sliceLabels.valueFormat 'auto'|'d3FormatString' -radiusInner n

See Defining sink parameters for an explanation of how sink parameters can be expressed as object literals.

Parameter Description Required?
-categoryField The name of the field to use as the category accessor. Categories are displayed in the order in which they appear in the data stream, clockwise. Yes
-id An identifier for this sink that serves as a handle for referencing the object in Juttle syntax; conceptually identical to a variable name No
-title The title for the user-visible output, if it has one; the value may be any valid Juttle expression that produces a string No; defaults to the name field that is present in all metrics points
-valueField The name of the field to use as the source for the numeric values No; defaults to the value field that is present in all metrics points. If no value field is present, the first numeric field in the stream is used.
-radiusInner Optionally, you can use this parameter to display the pie chart as a wheel with an inner radius specified in pixels No; default is 0
-sliceLabels.nameField The field containing an alternative name label for each slice No; default is the value of -categoryField
-sliceLabels.valueField The field containing an alternative value label for each slice No; default is the value of -valueField
-sliceLabels.valueFormat The format for the value label, using the d3 number formatting syntax No; default is .2f

Example: Render a simple donut chart showing disk utilization

read stochastic -source 'cdn' -last :1h: -source_type 'metric' name='disk'
| reduce disk_full = last(value)
| put disk_empty = 1 - disk_full
| split
| view piechart -title 'Disk Usage' -sliceLabels.valueFormat '%'