
Plot data points as individual dots across two axes sourced from the data fields; can be faceted.

view scatterchart -o {
   title: string,
   markerSize: n,
   markerOpacity: n,
   duration: duration,
   limit: n,
   valueField: fieldname,
   controlField: fieldname,
   keyField: fieldname,
   timeField: fieldname,
   xScales: {
     primary: {
       label: string,
       tickFormat: d3FormatString,
       minValue: value,
       maxValue: value
   yScales: {
     primary: {
       label: string,
       tickFormat: d3FormatString,
       minValue: value,
       maxValue: value,
       displayOnAxis: 'left|right'
   tooltip: {
     titleField: fieldname,
     controlLabel: string,
     controlFormat: d3FormatString,
     valueLabel: string,
     valueFormat: d3FormatString
   series: [
     name: 'string',
     label: 'string',
     color: 'color'
     name: 'anotherseries',
   facet: {
     fields: [field1, ...fieldN],
     width: n,
     height: n


view scatterchart -title string
-markerSize n -markerOpacity n -duration duration -limit n
-valueField fieldname -controlField fieldname -keyField fieldname -timeField fieldname
-xScales.primary.label string -xScales.primary.tickFormat d3FormatString -xScales.primary.minValue value -xScales.primary.maxValue value
-yScales.primary.label string -yScales.primary.tickFormat d3FormatString -yScales.primary.minValue value -yScales.primary.maxValue value -yScales.primary.displayOnAxis 'left|right'
-tooltip.titleField fieldname -tooltip.controlLabel string -tooltip.controlFormat d3FormatString -tooltip.valueLabel string -tooltip.valueFormat d3FormatString
-series [{name: 'string', label: 'string', color: 'color'},{name: 'anotherseries', ...}]
  -facet.fields field1, ...fieldN -facet.width n -face.height n
Parameter Description Required?
-title The title for the user-visible output, if it has one; the value may be any valid Juttle expression that produces a string No; defaults to the name field that is present in all metrics points
-markerSize The pixel size of the circle for each point No; defaults to 6
-markerOpacity The opacity level of the datapoint marker, a number between 0.1 (10%) and 1 (100%) No; defaults to 1
-duration The span of time to display, either in seconds (>=10) or as a Juttle moment literal No; defaults to 5 minutes when querying live data
-limit The maximum number of total data points to display No; defaults to the first 1000 to avoid consuming unbounded memory
-valueField The name of the field to use as the source for the numeric values No; defaults to the value field that is present in all metrics points. If no value field is present, the first numeric field in the stream is used.
-controlField The name of the field to use as the source for the X-axis values No; defaults to a field called control, if present, otherwise the second numerical field in the stream
-keyField The field containing the name of the series to which each point belongs Required when series is configured; otherwise Jut looks for unique streams and creates a series for each one. For simple metrics, the key field defaults to the name field that is present in all metrics points
-timeField The field containing the time stamp No; defaults to the time field
-xScales.primary.label A string to label the X axis No; defaults to the name of the -controlField
-xScales.primary.tickFormat Customize the unit display for this axis, using the d3 number formatting syntax No
-xScales.primary.minValue The value at the left end of the X scale No; the default is automatically derived from your data
-xScales.primary.maxValue The value at the right end of the X scale No; the default is automatically derived from your data
-yScales.primary.label A string to label the Y axis No; default is the name of the -valueField
-yScales.primary.tickFormat Customize the unit display for the Y axis, using the d3 number formatting syntax No
-yScales.primary.minValue The value at the bottom of the Y scale No; the default is automatically derived from your data
-yScales.primary.maxValue The value at the top of the Y scale No; the default is automatically derived from your data
-yScales.primary.displayOnAxis Where to display the Y axis; must be exactly one of the following depending on whether your bar chart is oriented vertically or horizontally:
  • left
  • right
No; the default is left
-tooltip.titleField The name of the field containing a string to use as the title for the tooltip No; defaults to the -keyField
-tooltip.controlLabel A string for the label to display in the tooltip for the -controlField value No; defaults to the -xScales.primary.label
-tooltip.controlFormat The format for the -tooltip.titleField, using the d3 number formatting syntax No; defaults to the -xScales.primary.tickFormat
-tooltip.valueLabel A string for the label to display in the tooltip for the -valueField value No; defaults to the -yScales.primary.label
-tooltip.valueFormat The format for the -tooltip.valueField, using the d3 number formatting syntax No; defaults to the -yScales.primary.tickFormat
-series Configure one or more data series individually, using one or more arrays with additional parameters, see below No
-facet.fields A comma-separated list of the fields on which facets are based Required to enable faceting; omit this option to disable facets
-facet.width The width configuration for facets, which may be a fluid or fixed width:
  • Fluid width: A percentage or fraction defining the grid layout of facets, one of the following: '100%', '50%', '25%', '20%', '1/2', '1/3', '1/4', '1/5', '1/6'. For example, '1/2' means facets are displayed in two columns, as does '50%'.
  • Fixed width: A number larger than 150 defining the fixed pixel width of individual facets
No; defaults to '1/3'
-facet.height A number larger than 80 defining the fixed pixel height of individual facets No; the default height is calculated based on the width

Series Parameters

   -series [   
     name : 'seriesname',   
     label : 'string',   
     color : 'color'   
     name : 'someotherseries',   
Parameter Description
name A series name that can be found in the specified -keyField; this parameter is required for any configured series.
label An optional string to override the scale label for this series
color The color to use for this series, specified with any CSS3-supported hex or name value; if not specified, a color is selected from the built-in palette

Example: Display a scatterchart showing CPU usage versus response time

    read stochastic -source 'srch_cluster' -from :2 minutes ago: name = 'response_ms';
    read stochastic -source 'srch_cluster' -from :2 minutes ago: name = 'cpu'
| put *name = value
| join
| keep time, cpu, response_ms, service
| view scatterchart -o {
    valueField: 'response_ms',
    controlField: 'cpu',
    keyField: 'service',
    xScales: {
        primary: {
            label: 'CPU Utilization (%)',
            tickFormat: '%'
    yScales: {
        primary: {
            label: 'Response Time (ms)'
    duration: :5m:

Example: Display a faceted scatterchart

emit -limit 10 | put  response_ms = count(), cpu = count(), service = 'search', host = 'host1';
emit -limit 10 | put  response_ms = count()*2, cpu = count()*2, service = 'index', host = 'host2';
emit -limit 10 | put  response_ms = count()*3, cpu = count()*3, service = 'auth', host = 'host1';
emit -limit 10 | put  response_ms = count()*4, cpu = count()*4, service = 'test', host = 'host2';
emit -limit 10 | put  response_ms = count()*5, cpu = count()*5, service = 'tim', host = 'host1';
| view scatterchart -o {
  title: 'Faceted Scatter Chart',
  valueField: 'cpu',
  controlField: 'response_ms',
  facet: {
    fields: ['service'],
    width: '1/3',
    height: 150
  duration: :10s: