
Render a metric tile displaying exactly one value; can be faceted.

view tile -o {
  id: 'string'
  title: 'string'
  levelField: 'fieldname',
  valueField: 'fieldname',
  valueFormat: 'd3FormatString',
  timeField: 'fieldname',
  facetFields: ['field1', 'field2'...]


view tile -id 'string' -title 'string'
  -levelField 'fieldname' -valueField 'fieldname'
  -valueFormat 'd3FormatString' -timeField 'fieldname'
  -facetFields ['field1', 'field2'...]

See Defining sink parameters for an explanation of how sink parameters can be expressed as object literals.

Parameter Description Required?
-id An identifier for this sink that serves as a handle for referencing the object in Juttle syntax; conceptually identical to a variable name No
-title The title for the user-visible output, if it has one; the value may be any valid Juttle expression that produces a string No; defaults to the name field that is present in all metrics points
-levelField The name of a field whose value is one of the following:
  • error

    Display this tile in red text with an alert icon.

  • warning

    Display this tile in yellow text with a warning icon.

  • success

    Display this tile in green text with a success icon.

No; the default display is white text with no icon
-valueField The name of the field to use as the source for the numeric values No; defaults to the value field that is present in all metrics points. If no value field is present, the first numeric field in the stream is used.
-valueFormat The format for the tile value, using the d3 number formatting syntax No
-timeField The field containing the time stamp No; defaults to the time field
-facetFields A comma-separated list of the fields on which facets are based Required to enable faceting; omit this option to disable facets

Example: Simple metric tiles showing data import successes and failures

read stochastic -source 'cdn' -last :1 hour: -every :1m:  -source_type 'metrics' name='responses'
| (
  filter code = '200'
  | reduce value = count()
  | put level = 'success'
  | view tile -title 'HTTP OK Responses' -display.levelField 'level'
  filter code != '200'
  | reduce value = count()
  | put level = 'error'
  | view tile -title 'HTTP Errors' -display.levelField 'level'

Example: Render four metric tiles color coded for different levels

sub fakesource(counter, level) {
    emit -limit 1 -from :2014-01-01:
    | put counter=counter, level = level

fakesource -counter 0.99 -level 'success'
| view tile -o {
    title: 'Hit Rate',
    valueFormat: 'e',
    levelField: 'level',
    valueField: 'counter'

fakesource -counter 97.5 -level 'warning'
| view tile -o {
    title: 'Requests per second',
    levelField: 'level',
    valueField: 'counter'

fakesource -counter 125 -level 'info'
| view tile -o {
    title: 'Requests per second',
    valueField: 'counter'

fakesource -counter 3 -level 'error'
| view tile -o {
    title: 'Host reboots',
    valueFormat: 'p',
    levelField: 'level',
    valueField: 'counter'

Example: Display a faceted tile chart

// This Juttle program draws a tile visualization showing current, live updating CPU utilization per host.
// It uses a synthetic data source, but similar code can be used to view real reported CPU usage.

read stochastic -source 'cdn' -from :1 minute ago: -nhosts 3 -every :2s: -source_type 'metrics' name='cpu'
| view tile -facetFields ['host'] -title 'CPU usage' -valueField 'value' -valueFormat '.2%'