
Display the output as text in rows and columns.
This is the default output if no other is specified.

view table -o {
   title: 'string',
   limit: n,
   columnOrder: 'col1',...'colN'


view table -title 'string' -limit n -columnOrder 'col1',...'colN'

See Defining view parameters for an explanation of how sink parameters can be expressed as object literals.

Parameter Description Required?
-title The title of the table No; defaults to no title
-limit The maximum number of total data points to display No; defaults to the first 1000 to avoid consuming unbounded memory
-progressive Whether the table should display data gradually. If set to trueor a positive duration, then the table starts displaying data after the specified amount of time (:1s:by default). If falsethen the table does not display anything until the program is done. No; default is trueif the program contains one view, falseif there is more than one
-columnOrder An array of field names specifying the order of the table columns from left to right. If the data stream includes unspecified fields, these are displayed to the right of the specified ones, in alphabetical order. No; default is 'time','name','value' followed by the remaining columns in alphabetical order

Example: Table with ordered columns

emit -limit 10 -every :0.1s:
| put a = count(), b = Math.random() + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) 
| view table 
    -columnOrder 'a','b','time'