Creating a dual-axis time chart

A time chart can have one Y axis or two. A dual-axis time chart is a multi-series time chart in which some of the series have a different Y scale than the others.

  1. In your @timechart, use the yScales.primary.* and yScales.secondary.* parameters to configure the two Y scales.

    One must include displayOnAxis: 'right'.

  2. Use the series.yScale parameter to configure the data series that belong to the secondary Y scale.

    Since primary is the default value, you only need to specify this parameter for the series that belong to the secondary scale.

Example: Create a time chart in which the 'saruman' series uses the right-hand Y axis and all others use the left-hand Y axis

sub src(cate, coefficient) {
  emit -limit 100 -hz 10 |
  put category = cate       |
  put value = Math.random() * coefficient

src -cate "smaug"   -coefficient 10;
src -cate "sauron"  -coefficient 20;
src -cate "saruman" -coefficient 1;
) |
view timechart -o {
  keyField: 'category',
  yScales: {
    secondary: {}
  series: [
    label  : 'smaug',
    color  : 'red',
    name   : 'smaug'
    label  : 'sauron',
    color  : '#228B22',
    name   : 'sauron'
    label  : 'saruman',
    color  : 'burlywood',
    name   : 'saruman',
    yScale : 'secondary'